Sept. 25th, 2021 The 7th Jundokan Zoom Seminar

The 7th Jundokan Zoom Seminar was held on Saturday, September 25th. It was a closed seminar for the Jundokan dojo members, and it was held via Zoom at the Jundokan Headquarters in Naha City. Tsuneo Kinjo Sensei, a 9th Dan Goju-ryu Hanshi led the seminar. Tetsu Gima Sensei who is also a 9th Dan Goju-ryu Hanshi led the seminar alongside Kinjo Sensei. Other senseis and members of the Jundokan were there to provide support during the seminar. Jundokan Dojo members from all over the world participated. Some of the countries included France, Austria, Poland, and Japan. We would like to thank everyone for both making the time and starting so early in the morning to join us online at the Jundokan.
