Jul. 25th, 2021 The 9th Shimbukan Zoom Seminar

On Sunday, July 25th, 2021 we held the 9th Shimbukan Zoom Seminar. It was held via Zoom at the Ryukyu Kobudo Shimbukan Dojo. The theme of the seminar was Bo vs Sai – The 10 Techniques. Dell Hamby Sensei and our very own Kenny, and a few other senseis and students were there to support Akamine Sensei during the seminar. The seminar was an hour long, starting from 5pm and ending at 6pm. 10 minutes to the end of the seminar was a short Q&A session. It was a nice seminar with participants from all over the world, including countries like the USA, Poland, Australia, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and more. We hope to everyone at the next seminar.
