20.11.15 第2回信武館オンラインZoomセミナー (赤嶺浩先生 & Dell Hamby先生)

2020年11月15日、信武館の第二回オンラインZoomセミナーを赤嶺浩先生、Dell Hamby先生にご協力いただき、開催いたしました。おかげさまで第2回目の今回は、60名もの方々にご参加頂きました。昨日のプログラムは、鉄甲をテーマに、下記内容で行わせていただきました。

2.鉄甲基本動作 (No.1-10)
3.型の練習 ( 前里の鉄甲)
・先生の模範演武Master performance


Hello again everyone.
We hope you are all doing well.
Yesterday, November 15th, we held the 2nd Shimbukan Zoom Seminar with the focus on Tekko. It was a wonderful turnout of 60 participants. Here is what was covered in the seminar:
1.Explanation of Tekko and it’s history
2.Basic movement of Tekko (No.1-10)
3.Kata ( Maezato no Tekko)
   ・Master performance
 ・Explanation of some key points
 ・Check participants’ performance
    ・Perform together
4.Explaining features of Ryukyu Kobudo
5.Question time
We added a few photos to this post.
We would like to thank everyone who participated in the seminar, and hope everyone who participated in the middle of the night had a good sleep afterwards. We will be having another Shimbukan Zoom Seminar in January next year. Details of the seminar will be released later this week.
Until then, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at contact@ageshiojapan.com.
Stay safe and healthy.
